Ass 3 Developments 2

An Animation Overrider (AO) is one of the most important requirements in this assignment. Animated overrider (“AO”) is a scripting attachment that replaces standard animations (walking, jumping, standing, running, etc.) with animations created by residents. Character Creation is not only about dressing the character but also dressing in greater details like walk, talk and look. I added some AOs to my character as well.


  • Item 16: Basically Girl AO

The first AO is Basically Girl AO. I got this from New Resident Island for free. It’s about girl’s stand pose, walk, sit and so on. My character has two different sets of outfits. One set is the usual clothes and the other is the clothes worn during ski training. When she wears the usual outfit, she will use this Basically Girl AO.

  • Item 17: Skier AO

The second AO is Skier AO. My character is a Ski Olympic champion, so it is necessary for her to act as a skier. When she wears her second outfit, the clothes worn during ski training, she will use this Skier AO. I bought it from SL Marketplace.

  • Item 18: Appropriate eyes

This is how her original eyes look. But I think the color of the eyes doesn’t match my character. My character is Chinese. As we all know, the color of Asian eyes should be black. Therefore, I changed my character to more appropriate black eyes as shown below.

This picture below shows the details of the black eyes’ creator.

  • Item 19: Figure

My character is a sportswoman. Athletes should have a taller body. So I adjusted her figure to make her taller than the average person.

  • Item 20: Group Titles & Name

In this assignment, I hid my group name and changed my name as well. It is because that my character is a new figure in Second Life which is totally different from my current role. My new character’s name is Winner Kim so I changed VI2AN to Winner Kim. It takes a little time to update the new name and you can only change the name once a week.


  2. New Resident Island‘s URL: Paradise/58/109/22(opens in a new tab)

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