MUVE Locations 2

Istanbul University

  • Why I chose it

I found this location from the list in Moodle. The reason why I chose this location is that it is a university and it is close to my real life. I am studying in university now and I clearly know what hardware facilities I need, or what conditions I want my school to offer to make me learn better. It makes me more objective and comprehensive to evaluate this location.


  • What functionality/interactivity it provides

When avatar enter into Istanbul University, there will be a bulletin board at the gate. There are some destinations showing in bulletin board, avatar can choose one of the destinations and just click it then avatar will get there. If you are here for the first time, don’t worry that you won’t know how this bulletin board is used. There are some notes on the top of the bulletin board to notice you.

The library has two floors. There is a sign on the wall, avatar can click those to go upstairs or downstairs. On the first floor, there is a piano at the entrance. Click the piano and it will be a note showing on the screen. The avatar can choose the songs and control the piano to let it stop or start. On the top floor of library, there is a classroom provided for students to have classes. The avatar is also allowed to go to the balcony to see the views.

There is a building for students to relax in this university. In this building, there are some swimming pools and it also has some private rooms to let avatars take a shower or change clothes. I think it is necessary to provide private space. So I think it is a ‘real’ place.

There is a park in this location that provided maps of different countries. The avatar can choose and click one of them to search. This park also provides some small games for the students to play and you will be given some tips about how to play.

Another place in this location is learning center. There is a coordinate system in this place and you can also choose languages from Turkish and English. I think it is a good place to learn.

  •  How it looks/was built/how much scripting there is

This looks like a very good university. It has all the facilities that a university should have and it also has different shapes of buildings which attracts me a lot. Some architectural shapes are full of futuristic and technological sense. Like this:

There are much scripting in this location. For example, when you choose your destination in Bulletin Board. You just need to click the picture and the avatar will get there. What’s more, when you enter into a building, click the door and it will open automatically. These are all scripting.

  • What your impressions of it are

In my opinion, this is a good location. As a university, it has all the facilities, for example, classrooms, library, park and relaxing area. What’s the most important is that this location has personal area which makes it look like a ‘real’ place. This location also has some decorations like hot air balloon and the Turkish flag. The view of this location is wonderful as well.

What’s more, the location of each building is also very easy to find and enter. All the buildings are shown in the Bulletin Board and you just click the building you want to go then you will get there.

I think this location is suitable for the Istanbul University’s students having online classes like we use Second Life to have our MUV601 Class in NMIT location. So I think this location has practical use rather than just for fun.

However, I don’t think I will spend lots of my free time on this location and it is just for a purely functional purpose.

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